Biotechnological Hub of the NIB (BTH-NIB)

The purpose of the investment project BTH-NIB is the assurance of the appropriate infrastructural conditions for the use of research and developmental opportunities in the fields of operation of the NIB.

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17 Sep
Success story of the European project EUPHRESCO – GRAFDEPI2

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Department of Biotechnology and Systems Biology is a leader of the European project GRAFDEPI2, which is carried on in the frame of EUPHRESCO –  a network of organisations funding research projects and coordinating national research in the phytosanitary area.

The goal of the project is improvement of diagnostic for the causal agents of grapevine yellows and to get better insight into their epidemiology. We have developed a new diagnostic method based on the LAMP technology for specific detection of phytoplasma BNp, which causes bois noir on grapevines. In addition, this protocol has been tested in a test performance study (TPS) in ten laboratories from the research and plant protection area from Europe and Australia. In the same TPS the protocol for detection of FDp, which causes Flavescence dorée, was also tested. We developed the FDp LAMP protocol during the FP7 EU project Vitisens.

The success story of GRAFDEPI2 is posted on