Biotechnological Hub of the NIB (BTH-NIB)

The purpose of the investment project BTH-NIB is the assurance of the appropriate infrastructural conditions for the use of research and developmental opportunities in the fields of operation of the NIB.

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12 Feb
Anamarija Žagar, winner of the award "For Women in Science"

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One of the three of this year's winners of the "For Women in Science", which is awarded by L'Oreal and the Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO, is biologist Anamarija Žagar. She carried out her PhD thesis under the supervision of Assist. Prof. Al Vrezec, PhD, from the National Institute of Biology, and co-supervision of Assist. Prof. Miguel A. Carretero, PhD, from CIBIO Institute of Portugal. In the research also participated Tatjana Simčič, PhD, from NIB. In her thesis, Anamarija studies interspecific interactions between the two lizard species. Her work is also part of studies conducted at the Department of Organisms and Ecosystems Research and interrelates fields of physiology, functional morphology and behavior under the common denominator of ecological research of interspecific interactions and impact assessment of future climate change on them. The award is also recognition of the mentoring work of researchers at the National Institute of Biology.