Biotechnological Hub of the NIB (BTH-NIB)

The purpose of the investment project BTH-NIB is the assurance of the appropriate infrastructural conditions for the use of research and developmental opportunities in the fields of operation of the NIB.

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29 Mar
Webinar: Why go Digital in PCR?

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At the National Institut of Biology webinar on digital PCR (dPCR) has been prepared. Digital PCR is the most recent approach in PCR that enables absoulte quantification of nucleic acids. Besides the basic principles of dPCR the webinar also focuses on comparisons between dPCR and qPCR, current and future applications in dPCR as well as what to consider when choosing the best platform for your needs. Best practices are presented by Dr. Tanja Dreo, an expert in qPCR and digital who is focused on the prospect of qPCR and digital PCR for detection and quantification of plant pathogens and rare mutant detection.

The webinar is also an introduction to the ''dPCR Experience Workshop'' ( that will be held in October 2016 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. You are all invited to register.

The webinar was organized by the National institute of Biology and BioSistemika LLC ( and was supported by Splice (