Biotechnological Hub of the NIB (BTH-NIB)

The purpose of the investment project BTH-NIB is the assurance of the appropriate infrastructural conditions for the use of research and developmental opportunities in the fields of operation of the NIB.

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04 Apr
Central and Eastern European workshop on the detection and identification of living modified organisms, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 7-11 March 2016

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With support from the Government of Japan through the Japan Biodiversity Fund, the Government of the Republic of Korea through the Korea Biosafety Capacity Building Initiative and in collaboration with Slovenian National Institute of Biology, the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (SCBD) hold the Central and Eastern European Workshop on the Detection and Identification of Living Modified Organisms in Ljubljana from 7 to 11 March 2016. 

The objectives of the workshop were providing theoretical and hands-on training on:
(a) Sampling, detection and identification of living modified organisms (LMOs) in the context of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety;
(b) Laboratory methodologies used for the analysis of test samples;
(c) Sharing experiences and assessing national needs and gaps for the effective implementation of the relevant outcomes under the Strategic Plan for the Cartagena Protocol.

Colleagues from the National Institute of Biology explained to the participants the theoretical bases on approaches and methods in detection of GMOs including finding information and quality control. The key element of the workshop was the hands-on training, which has been evaluated as extremely relevant by the workshop participants.