Buoy trajectory and hodograph


Hodograf horizontalnega potovanja namišljenega delca iz lege boje Vide od 13.01.2025 21:00 do 14.01.2025 03:00.

Vertikalna porazdelitev tokov na boji Vidi po vodnem stolpcu ob 14.01.2025 03:00. Vektorjem hitrosti toka, katerih jakosti (cm/s) so določene s polmeri krožnic, so pripisane višine (m) nad dnom.

The hodograph of the horizontal travel of an imaginary particle from the position of buoy Vida from 01/13/2025 21:00 to 01/14/2025 03:00.

The vertical distribution of currents on the buoy Vida along the water column at 01/14/2025 03:00. The current velocity vectors for which the magnitudes (cm/s) are determined by the radii of circles are attributed with the height (m) above the bottom.

Aplikacijo razvil B. Petelin, namestil D. Deželjin.

Application developed by B. Petelin, installed by D. Deželjin