Biotechnological Hub of the NIB (BTH-NIB)

The purpose of the investment project BTH-NIB is the assurance of the appropriate infrastructural conditions for the use of research and developmental opportunities in the fields of operation of the NIB.

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24 Jul
Project EURAPMON at European Science Foundation (ESF) has successfully concluded

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At the end of May 2015 the Research Networking Project EURAPMON (Research and Monitoring for and with Raptor in Europe) at European Science Foundation (ESF) has successfully concluded. The international Steering Committee was lead by the Chair Assist. Prof. Dr. Al Vrezec and External Coordinator Dr. Irena Bertoncelj, both from National Institute of Biology (Slovenia). The project was founded by funding bodies from 16 European countries including Slovenia, where the project was supported by Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS). Detailed information and results of the networking project are available at the EURAPMON website At June meeting the Scientific Review Group for Life, Earth and Environmental Sciences (SRG-LEE) at European Science Foundation carefully reviewed the Final Report of the project with the following conclusions: “The Scientific Review Group for Life, Earth and Environmental Sciences (SRG-LEE) Chair and Members have carefully analysed the Final Report of the EURAPMON Programme. The Scientific Review Group for Life, Earth and Environmental Sciences (SRG-LEE) Chair and Members would like to express their deep appreciation for all the networking and dissemination activities developed by the EURAPMON Chair, Steering Committee Members and Experts following the Mid-Term Report phase.  The Scientific Review Group for Life, Earth and Environmental Sciences (SRG-LEE) Chair and Members acknowledge that EURAPMON has been very successful in the establishment of a sustainable and resource-efficient pan-European network for monitoring for and with raptors: the comparison between the geographical distribution of EURAPMON stakeholders in 2010 and 2015 presented in the Final Report clearly indicates that the Programme has been very active in establishing new synergies and cooperation.
It is recognized that the development of the EURAPMON database constitutes a very useful platform for facilitating networking and exchange of information among experts of the ‘for’ and ‘with’ communities. The Scientific Review Group for Life, Earth and Environmental Sciences (SRG-LEE) Chair and Members would like to recommend the EURAPMON community to maintain up-to-date and further develop such useful platform in order to maximize future opportunities of cooperation and integration of results.
The Scientific Review Group for Life, Earth and Environmental Sciences (SRG-LEE) Chair and Members have appreciated the quality of the Workshops, Conferences, publications, Summer school and exchange visits which have given young scientists and students a very good opportunity for further developing their skills.
The Scientific Review Group for Life, Earth and Environmental Sciences (SRG-LEE) Chair and Members recognize that the Programme has met its original targets and appreciate the high motivation of the EURAPMON community in planning future opportunities of collaborations, going beyond the European Science Foundation period.
The Scientific Review Group for Life, Earth and Environmental Sciences (SRG-LEE) Chair and Members endorse the approval of the Final Report.”
Between 11-13 May 2015 the National Institute of Biology also hosted the last Steering Committee meeting of EURAPMON at Marine Biological Station in Piran.