Professor Dr Kazimir Tarman
Professor Dr Kazimir Tarman set off on his scientific research path in biology in the fields of invertebrate taxonomy, morphology and physiology, and went on to gradually broaden his work to include research of organisms in interactions with the environment. His vast scope enabled him to adopt a scientifically grounded approach to a number of ecological problems caused by social development - from an understanding of the mission of ecology to problems pertaining to natural preservation in the broadest sense or to individual organisms. He has selflessly and continuously offered his knowledge to students at his lectures and as a mentor for undergraduate, masters and doctoral theses. He has also shared his knowledge in his numerous books. The height of his work in generating ecological awareness among the Slovenian public is the first Slovenian textbook on ecology, Osnove ekologije in ekologija živali (The Basics of Ecology and Animal Ecology), although to him, this important book is probably just one of many milestones on his scientific and professional path. The National Institute of Biology never had the honour of welcoming Professor Tarman as its member. Regardless, with his work and ideas he is ubiquitous at the Institute and has a considerable heritage there. Considering the pronounced lack of ecological culture and knowledge in society, Professor Tarman’s work has provided the sole professional basis for many researchers at the Institute. He has never shied away from taking responsibility as an outside mentor or a project leader. The acceptance of honorary membership in the National Institute of Biology by a researcher and intellectual as esteemed as Professor Kazimir Tarman is also a tremendously important honour for the Institute itself.

Prof. dr. Kazimir Tarman (Photo: Archive NIB)