Nadgradnja sodelovanja z Nacionalnim Parkom Brijuni
Devetega aprila 2024 je bilo na Morski biološki postaji Piran (NIB) organizirano srečanje s strokovnim vodstvom Nacionalnega parka Brijuni iz Hrvaške.[MO1] Obisk je bil namenjen predstavitvi Delovne enote za biodiverziteto in dogovoru za skupno prijavljanje mednarodnih projektov. Sicer nekateri raziskovalci že dlje časa sodelujejo z NP Brijuni, kjer skupaj z nemško navezo pod vodstvom prof. dr. Rolanda Melzerja iz bavarske universe v Münchnu raziskujejo favno pridnenih nevretenčarjev v specifičnih biotopih. Glavni dogodek je potekal v veliki dvorani MBP, kjer so sodelavci DE Biodiverziteta predstavili glavne raziskovalne aktivnosti delovne enote (glej program), nato pa je potekal ogled Morske biološke postaje in pogovori v zvezi z nadaljnjim sodelovanjem.
Meeting with the scientific staff of the Brijuni National park
Tuesday, 9. April 2024, Marine Biology Station Piran, National Institute of Biology
9.15 – 9.20 |
dr. Borut Mavrič Welcoming words of the head of the MBS |
9.20 – 9.35 |
dr. Valentina Pitacco Understanding the macrozoobenthos importance on the sedimentary and rocky bottoms, with special reference to some bioconstructors |
9.35 – 9.50 |
dr. Ana Fortič Fouling community and bioconstructors – the case of bryozoans |
9.50 – 10.05 |
dr. Domen Trkov An overview of studying coastal fish fauna with particular reference to cryptobenthic species |
10.05 – 10.20 |
dr. Borut Mavrič Non-destructive sampling of marine biodiversity with novel approaches |
10.20 – 10.35 |
dr. Martina Orlando Bonaca Restoring important habitat builders: What have we learned? |
10:35 – 11.10 |
dr. Lovrenc Lipej Studying the feeding ecology of Mediterranean Shag Gulosus aristotelis desmaresti: experiences from Slovenia |
11.10 – 11.30 |
General discussion |
11.30 – 12.00 |
Visit to the facilities of the Marine Biology Station (all staff of the MBP – working group of Marine biodiversity) |