
Eco-AlpsWater - Inovativna ocena ekološkega stanja in strategija upravljanja z vodami za varovanje ekosistemskih storitev v alpskih jezerih in rekah

Koordinator projekta: dr. Nico Salmaso - Fundacione Edmund Mach - IT

Koordinator za NIB: dr. Tina Eleršek

Trajanje: 17.4.2018 - 16.4.2021

The aim of Eco-AlpsWater project is to improve the traditional monitoring approaches (Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC-EU WFD and, in Switzerland, the Water Protection Ordinance-WPO) by using advanced DNA sequencing techniques such as metabarcoding. The new approach will make use of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) to analyze environmental DNA in waterbodies (which allow rapid species identification at low costs, from fish to bacteria), and smart technologies (automation in data processing, data storage, information retrieval). The project runs from April 2018 to April 2021 and is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme (Support from the European Union: 1.447.667 EUR).


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