MBP Buoy

Date and time: 2025-02-28 08:15:00 (local time)

Temperature: 10.1 ° C
Humidity: 66.6 %

Wind speed: 0.3 m/s
Wind direction: 77.8 °
Wind gust up to: 0.9 m/s
Beaufort: 0

Sea - general (2025-02-28 08:15:00):
Temperature at the sea surface (depth 2.5 m): 10.5 ° C
Salinity at the sea surface (depth 2.5 m): 38.0
Temperature at the sea floor (depth ca. 23 m): 9.8 ° C
O2 concentration at the sea floor (depth ca. 23 m): 7.47 ml/l

Sea - AWAC< (2025-02-28 08:00:00):
Temperature at the sea floor (depth ca. 23 m): 9.8 ° C
Pressure at the sea floor (depth ca. 23 m): 22.0 dBar
 - Wave height: 0.1 m
 - Maximum height: 0.1 m
 - Mean direction (azimouth): 266.6 °
 - Mean period: 1.8 s
  • LST = Local Solar Time 
  • UTC = Universal Time Coordinated
  • Time(UTC) = Time(LST) - 1 hour

More about UTC and CEST is available on: The World Clock - Time Zone Converter

Depth in meters can be obtained from pressure in dBars just with the transcription of the value, where the atmospheric pressure is already substracted. Example: 22.5 dBar of pressure means the depth of 22.5 m.