Current projects






Slovenian Research Agency:

Coastal Sea Research

Development of a draft methodology and guidelines for the assessment of the impact of an intervention on the status of marine waters


Cross-border projects:




Mednarodni projekti

Impact of climate change on the onset of phytoplankton blooms and consequences for food web dynamics: comparison between northern and southern Adriatic

Solutions for the restoration of brown algal forests

Evaluation of oil dispersants toxicity and determination of microplastics content in marine organisms from the northern and southern part of the Adriatic

TREzze, tegnue e ambienti marini dell’alto Adriatico: Capitalizzazione

Community4Nature, the Thematic Community Project of the Interreg Euro-MED Natural Heritage Mission

Sorveglianza, mitigazione e interventi per la gestione del granchio blu: un approccio transfrontaliero

Empowering Women and Mainstreaming Gender Equality in the Blue Economy

EMODnet Ingestion and safe-keeping of marine data - no 3

Plankton biodiversity through remote sensing and omics in the Mediterranean Sea

Developing High-Resolution Models for Forecasting Sea Surface Currents and Marine Effluent Dispersion

European Marine Observation and Data Network - EMODnet Chemistry V