At the interface between physics and biology: effects of marine physics on phytoplankton dynamics
Dr. Oliver Ross from the Aix-Marseille University, Dept of Physical & Coastal Oceanography (OPLC), gave a short lecture during his stay at the Marine Biology Station Slovenia.
"At the interface between physics and biology: effects of marine physics on phytoplankton dynamics"
Short summary:
There is a growing appreciation of the fact that several aspects of phytoplankton dynamics are being controlled either directly or indirectly by the physical forcing acting on their environment. Through observations we try to capture the underlying dynamics while models allow us to extrapolate from our observations into the new and unknown. In this presentation I will give an overview of my work in this area using several examples to illustrate these biological-physical interactions. In particular, I will focus on the effects of vertical mixing on phytoplankton growth, the competition with motility, and the effect on individual light histories and photo-acclimation. Most of this work uses Lagrangian modelling approaches, which - although computationally expensive and slightly more complex than their Eulerian counterparts - allow us to study biological responses to environmental forcings at the level of the individual. With the advent of ever more powerful computers, such Lagranian models are starting to be incorporated in to larger 3D ocean circulation models. As an additional example, I will show some results from a regional 3D model that we use to study phytoplankton dynamics in Alfacs Bay (NW Mediterranean).
Pripravila Iva Talaber