The new web application "Trajectory and hodograph at Buoy Vida"
In the framework of NO IOC in 2016, which among other areas also includes the preservation, development and integration of observing and information system, we developed a web application to display the movement of water masses at the location of oceanographic buoy Vida.
Using the application with measurements of sea currents below the oceanographic buoy Vida we present a short-term movement of water masses at the location of the buoy (see figure). The left image (trajectory) shows the path of an imaginary particle released at the location of buoy at selected time interval and selected height above the seabed. The right image (hodograph) shows the 'current' speed and direction of sea currents on the selected date and time at different heights above the seabed. Given the trajectory of an imaginary particle at a selected height above the sea bottom, the user can select the end date and time of trajectory, as well the duration of travel of imaginary particle (maximum 24 hours). In case of hodograph, the user can select the date and time, which shows the vertical distribution of currents at a given time. On the left image is also possible to magnify the area around the buoy Vida and set the trajectory position with respect to the location of the buoy.
The application website can be accessed in several ways:
- Using the menu on the NIB MBS website - OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA AND MEASUREMENTS / OCEANOGRAPHIC BUOY / Trajectory and hodograph
- Using the menu on the NIB MBS website - OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA AND MEASUREMENTS - where we click on the text 'Trajectory and hodograph' in the section 'Oceanographic buoy Vida' next to buoy icon.
- With a direct link
Click on the image to display the trajectory and hodograph.
Application developed by B. Petelin, installed by D. Deželjin.